Redefining Observability Pricing to Remove the Universal Obstacle of Cost

Redefining Observability Pricing

Observability is critical to innovation, but for many organizations, soaring costs make it impossible to achieve. is here to change that.


  • Traditional pricing models force customers to guess their data needs, leading to costly overages.
  •’s new consumption-based pricing eliminates the guesswork—pay only for what you ingest and scale as needed.
  • This flexible model lets you adjust budgets across logs, metrics, and traces without risk.
  • Consumption-based pricing de-risks your observability strategy, removing concerns about overruns or limited innovation
  • Find out if Consumption-Based Pricing is right for you

The Problem with Traditional Observability Pricing

You don’t have to look very far these days to see that the issue of ever-increasing costs is getting in the way of many organizations achieving their observability goals.

When nearly every provider in the space is advertising their ability to help control costs – even those responsible for much of this budget inflation, it’s pretty clear that the challenge is real. Vendors are not known, after all, for dampening their opportunities to profit unless related customer issues are pervasive and well publicized.

It might seem self-serving to say that we at saw this coming, but the truth is, we have always been ahead of the curve as it relates to cost-efficient observability. Perhaps it is our roots in open source – our initial model was aimed at removing the associated costs of managing these free tools – or in our vision to serve as an alternative to sprawling APM platforms that sought to co-opt observability from the start; the reality is that we have always positioned ourselves as a leading alternative related to spending.

Beyond the many customer testimonials highlighting our dedication to cost reduction, industry experts such as Gartner have repeatedly cited our groundbreaking in-product capabilities, notably our Data Optimization Hub and LogMetrics features, as proof of this core intent.

It has always been clear to us that the “ship and analyze everything” model was never going to work for the vast majority of users. And it hasn’t. So where do we go next?

Consumption-Based Pricing Changes Everything

Now, in addition to everything that we’re doing in the Open 360 platform empowering users to drive out unused data and reduce spend, is taking another huge step forward in allowing customers to make the very most of their available budgets. 

With the launch of our new consumption-based pricing model we are focused on addressing the biggest hurdles to cost effective observability relative to our commercial agreements. Unlike traditional models that require organizations to estimate the level of observability data they will utilize ahead of time, and negotiate a flat rate based on projections, consumption-based pricing eliminates the guesswork and transitions observability into a real-time cost model. 

For starters, by paying for only the data you ingest into the platform and what’s needed to support your critical observability processes, you no longer run the risk of paying for overages when conditions change. From seasonality to evolving architecture, you’re covered – simply scale up and scale down to mirror the requirements of your business. Beyond this critical advancement, this new approach removes additional obstacles to further embracing end-to-end observability by allowing organizations to adopt a single model for every form of telemetry.

Compared to traditional subscription pricing – where you have to assess the unique utilization of logs, metrics and traces – now you have the flexibility to adjust this on the fly to suit your specific use cases. With consumption based pricing, you only commit to a single figure upfront, allowing you to decide however you want to leverage that budget across the different telemetry types.

De-Risking Your Observability Strategy

Consider this, if issues of cost and potential overruns were among your greatest concerns in evolving your observability strategy – whether to better support your unique needs or to simply further embrace observability as a whole – consumption based-pricing should completely remove those considerations.

Now, rather than hoping and guessing, rather than trying to estimate what might affect your usage over the course of many months and years, rather than stifling innovation of your own environment based on any worry that you couldn’t afford to appropriately observe it – you know upfront that you’ve got everything covered.

The practice of observability wasn’t founded on the promise of increased visibility and performance at the expense of financial logic, or at any cost – it was invented to ensure that your systems are operating at maximum efficiency. 

Ready to Reduce Your Observability Costs?’s consumption-based pricing model lets you scale, adapt, and optimize your observability strategy without breaking your budget. Sign up for a free trial today and take the first step towards cost-effective observability.

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