Must-Sees at #KubeCon and #CloudNativeCon 2019

Kubecon 2019 is here and we’re excited to be in beautiful San Diego to meet other members of the open-source community in order to get the latest buzz on Kubernetes, the container ecosystem, and breakthrough cloud technologies.
For those newer to the open-source world, KubeCon by The Cloud Native Foundation is largest annual event for the open-source and cloud-native communities. As active members of this community, we know the value in attending this conference and learning from the best and brightest in the industry.
Talks to Catch at KubeCon 2019 and CloudNativeCon 2019
If you are attending this event, there are some major highlights we recommend. Here are some talks you don’t want to miss!
1. Keynote: Reflections – Kelsey Hightower
Google’s Developer Advocate, Kelsey Hightower, is both an eloquent speaker and renowned expert in open source. His vast experience, knowledge, and insight into Google technologies (including and especially Kubernetes itself) makes him the ideal person to give KubeCon’s keynote and reflect on the evolution of this important event. We can’t wait to hear everything he has to teach us!
2. Keynote: Hello From the Other Side: Dispatches From a Kubernetes Attacker – Ian Coldwater
As a former hacker turned Heroku’s Lead Platform Security Engineer, Ian Coldwater is the perfect person to provide insight into the minds of attackers. In their talk, they will share attackers’ motives, attack strategies, and give useful tips for securing Kubernetes clusters. This keynote talk is a must-listen for anyone concerned with Kubernetes security.
3. CNCF Network SIG Intro & Deep-Dive – Lee Calcote and Matt Klein
On the heels of microservice-based distributed systems’ growing popularity, networking plays an increasingly important role in the efficient operation of cloud-native deployments. In their talk, Lee Calcote and Matt Klein will provide an introduction to SIG. They’ll also explain how it supports technologies and strategies like load balancing, observability, authentication, authorization, policy, rate limiting, QoS, mesh networks, and ultimately legacy infrastructure bridging.
4. Intro to Telepresence – Daniel Bryant and Rafael Schloming
This presentation is intends to introduce Telepresence, a CNCF Sandbox tool created to work with different Kubernetes workflows. Not all teams and technologies work the same way. Therefore, it makes sense that your workflows may vary drastically. With Kubernetes becoming increasingly popular, it’s safe to assume it will need to be adapted in order to integrate with the various methodologies used by engineers today. Given the focus of Telepresence, the talk will examine some strategies teams are using to build Kubernetes services.
5. Envoy on Fire: A Practical Look at Debugging a Service Mesh – Lita Cho and Ryan Cox
Built by the folks at Lyft, Envoy is a distributed proxy created to increase observability in service mesh architectures. This talk by Lita Cho and Ryan Cox, two of Lyft’s experienced software engineers, covers triaging issues in a service mesh such as traffic capture, GRPC, health checks, and other incident mitigation tactics. They’re expected to share their experiences using Envoy – i.e., use cases and examples – that should inform other ways you can deploy it.
6. OpenFaaS Cloud + Linkerd: A Secure, Multi-Tenant Serverless Platform – Charles Pretzer and Alex Ellis
As renown experts in open source and cloud-native technologies, OpenFaaS Cloud founder Alex Ellis and Linkerd field engineer Charles Pretzer are going to discuss combining the two tools that makes it easy to scale and secure multitenant serverless platforms. This should be particularly interesting for engineers working with lightweight and scalable serverless platforms.
7. Building Blocks: How Raw Block PVs Changed the Way We Look at Storage – Jose A. Rivera and Rohan Gupta
Are Raw Block PVs a revolution in storage as we know it? Red Hat software engineers, Jose A. Rivera and Rohan Gupta think so. They plan to show how, why, where and when Raw Block PVs should be used. Also, they will clarify how it restructures storage nodes to make them more resilient.
8. Keynote: The Long Road to IPv4/IPv6 Dual-stack Kubernetes – Tim Hockin, and Khaled (Kal) Henidak
Tim Hockin of Google and Khaled Henidak of Microsoft join together for this informative and exciting talk on the evolution of IPv4/IPv6 Dual-stack Kubernetes and how it will change the Kubernetes ecosystem. They’ll explain how this technology has evolved to promote larger cluster sizes, IoT edge, and even dual-stack enabled hosted environments. You won’t want to miss this one!
Look for on the floor
In addition to these fascinating talks, the team will be showcasing our platform along with new and exciting features such as our latest release, Log Patterns. Check us out at Booth S22.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
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