An Interactive Chat with IQ Assistant

10:00 AM EST3:00 PM BST

There’s so much hype around the use of AI in observability

— but how does that translate into your day-to-day? Now picture having a personal assistant that automatically delves into your stack, fine-tunes your workflows and enables conversation with your systems and data.

Meet‘s Observability IQ Assistant, which aims to turn this vision into reality.

In this webinar, you’ll get your own chance to interact directly with this game-changing new AI capability. Bring questions and help us demonstrate where IQ Assistant can take you.

What to expect?

  • Discussion of how you might use AI for observability tasks
  • The demo: see our Observability IQ Assistant in action
  • A look at where this all goes next
  • Your live Q&A

Do you believe that AI is capable of revolutionizing observability today, or consider this is the era of AI over-hype?

Join us for this timely conversation: register now.


Spencer Bos
Spencer Bos
Sales Engineering Tech Lead
Matt Hines
Matt Hines
Senior Director of Product Marketing