2019’s most Noteworthy Tech Conferences

It’s that time of year again–the temperature is dropping, snow is falling, and a new year has arrived.
On the bright side, the end of 2018 brings the beginning of 2019 and a whole new list of tech conferences to look forward to.
Since we know tech conferences are a great place for learning and connecting with others in the industry, each year, we make sure to provide an updated list of the year’s most notable tech conferences so you can begin planning where to go.
Where to Meet Logz.io in 2019
There’s nothing better than connecting with our fellow techies from around the world. So if you’re planning on attending the following conferences, feel free to hit us up!
DevOpsDays NYC – January 24-25
DevOpsDays Copenhagen– April 4-5
DevOpsDays Toronto – May 29-30
DevOpsDays Minneapolis– August 6-7
DevOpsDays Philadelphia– October 22-23
DevOpsDays Berlin– November 27-28
AWS Summits
AWS Summit Berlin – February 26-27
AWS Summit Atlanta- May 2
AWS Summit London– May 8
AWS Summit NY– July 11
KubeCon EU – May 20-21
KubeCon US – November 18-21
RSA– March 4-8
Monitorama – June 3-5
SCaLE17x – March 7-10
re:Invent – December 2-6
Microsoft Ignite– November 4-8
OSOB (Dates TBA)
OSOB Amsterdam
OSOB San Francisco
OSOB London
OSOB Boston
OSOB Berlin
OSOB Tel Aviv
The Complete List of Tech Conferences in 2019
There’s more where that came from. This year, our robust list of tech conferences features a variety of events focussing on DevOps, AI, Cloud, and everything in between. Take a look at the list below to get the full schedule.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
As always, we are open to hearing about other conferences that we may have missed. So if you have other favorites we did not mention, feel free to reach out to me at lauren (at) logz.io and we will be happy to include them.
Looking forward to a fun and successful 2019!
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